Sleep Over fun for Girl Guides
String Bean's Girl Guide unit had a sleep over on Friday night at the Guide Hall. Not much sleep was had but the girls had a ball, with the older girls planning and organising a rotation of activities for the younger girls in the unit. So 7 years olds running activities for 5 & 6 year olds. Suzi was our QM (quarter master) and did a great job of providing the girls with the menu that they had designed!
I love the leadership opportunities that the girls are given and the choices that they are allowed to make. String Bean is thoroughly enjoying her Guiding experience and developing excellent skills along the way. She has nearly completed her Pets badge, with one small task left to do. She also sold Guide Biscuits at the Charnwood shops on a very busy Guiding weekend!
I love the leadership opportunities that the girls are given and the choices that they are allowed to make. String Bean is thoroughly enjoying her Guiding experience and developing excellent skills along the way. She has nearly completed her Pets badge, with one small task left to do. She also sold Guide Biscuits at the Charnwood shops on a very busy Guiding weekend!
By the time we got there the kids were starving!!! I guess swimming will do that to you, so we went to one of my favourite restaurants: Ginger & Spice.
While waiting for the food String Bean had a melt down! Pretty weird really. Probably over tired from the sleep over and def. too hungry.
She got over it but not before we took some photos! She was so annoyed that we did! hehehe.
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