Sunday, March 18, 2012

Soccer Carnival

String Bean played 4 soccer games today at the annual Catholic Schools Soccer Carnival. 1300 players from the local and surrounding districts converged on the Uni of Canberra playing fields for the day.

Given the rainy weather the night before I wasn't sure it would go ahead but we ended up with beautiful sunny weather today.

Our school was the hosting school so alot of organisational effort went into making the carnival the huge success it ended up being. You get this opportunity once in 21 years!

String Bean and her team: Team Awesome! Delia scored 1 goal and the manager said she is a natural soccer player!

Towards the end of the day during game play String heard her name being called... she ended up winning the raffle and scored a pink Nikon Coolpix camera and memory card! A lovely end to a perfect day :)

1 comment:

karen said...

Congrats on her goal and on winning the camera :) Looks like a great day all round!

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