Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ben 10

L: Big Chill & R: Ultimate Swamp Fire.

I bought tickets for the boys to go see the Ben 10 Live show but poor Squealy spent the evening vomiting. So I ended up taking String Bean and Fuzzy instead.

Grandpa Max, little Ben 10 and Ben 10 Alien Force!

Was a great show. Excellent costumes and lots of action. The kids were spellbound and didn't move an inch the entire show. I had to ask Fuzzy which characters were in each photo. He also told me I needed to change the photo font colour to green :)


karen said...

X would have loved it. I am in SO much trouble!

Susana said...

K: Just don't show him the photos. But yes it really was worth every cent. Some shows are really lame and half assed but this one really was fantastic.

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