My boys have discovered You Tube. Mostly Thomas stuff at this stage. They love watching Rusty and the Boulder. It's quite funny to watch Squealy trying his hardest in his emerging language to warn you that Boulder is coming!
Fuzzy also enjoys watching random movies that the public have made up themselves, which are totally dodgy but hilarious for a 2 & 4 year old. Things like: "Thomas and the Mad Bomber" & "Thomas Fires the Laser".
At least it keeps Fuzzy quiet for a bit when Squealy sleeps. Fuzzy has totally given up his day sleep so sometimes you just need 5 minutes without him bothering you about something. It's going to be a long Christmas break.
Who is that little boy who has changed so much in such a short time, look forward to the adventures of Squeely
Every photo where they are side by side those two look like such great mates.
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