Saturday, October 11, 2008

Things to eat...

Grosse Lisse Tomato plant. My Rosemary cuttings from last year.

Here are the few edible things growing in my garden at the moment. I am thinking about making a straw bale bed in the back garden in the next couple of weeks. I was also drooling over some gorgeous blueberry plants at Bunnings today. Crone would you plant a blueberry in a straw bale bed? Or should I try and find a spot in my garden beds?

My strawberry which is just flowering.


Chris said...

Maybe we should plant it in the bermuda triangle?

The Crone at Wits End said...

I would go and invest in a nice big half wine barrel or a giant rubbish bin if you are skint.

Fill it full of azalea potting mix then plant your blueberry. Mulch and keep moist (not wet).

Blueberries thrive only in azalea type soil.

Remember also that you will only get a couple of years out of your straw bale beds. Like all organic materials they decompose.

I am already planning on what to replace mine with for next year and then will put the composted bales around the garden as mulch.

And not fair re: Bimby. I so want one but am waiting until the recession forces people to on sell LOL. Yeah, I know, not funny!

The Crone at Wits End said...

I would go and invest in a nice big half wine barrel or a giant rubbish bin if you are skint.

Fill it full of azalea potting mix then plant your blueberry. Mulch and keep moist (not wet).

Blueberries thrive only in azalea type soil.

Remember also that you will only get a couple of years out of your straw bale beds. Like all organic materials they decompose.

I am already planning on what to replace mine with for next year and then will put the composted bales around the garden as mulch.

And not fair re: Bimby. I so want one but am waiting until the recession forces people to on sell LOL. Yeah, I know, not funny!

Susana said...

Oh excellent thinking re. the Bimby. Will start stalking ebay.

Thankyou for the advice re. the blueberry. Mum suggested the same thing.

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