Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Here are some photos from the 21st Floriade. The kids enjoyed themselves but I must admit I wasn't as taken with it this year as I have been in previous years. I especially enjoyed the years that had a real art focus (think Chihuly glass work and the pottery of other years). The kids loved painting a gnome for Rotary. Nanny Sue bought them a gnome each and they spent a good hour painting them and getting them just right.
Busy Painting gnomes.

String Bean was captivated by these lovely children in traditional dress from Laos. They were so impressed that someone wanted to have a photo taken with them!

Squealy had fun patting/molesting the animals in the patting paddock. He approached everything with great toddler enthusiasm, and the animals ran far and wide....hehehe well as far away as you could get.

Token flower shot.


Chris said...

Glad you got the token flower shot in there :)

Why didn't Riley get to have at a gnome?

Susana said...

Because the gnomes were $10 a pop!!! Maybe next year when he is old enough to actually stick with the painting lol.

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