Sunday, August 3, 2008

On Trains and Haircuts.

What a busy but fun filled day we had together today. We started out by meeting up with friends at the Malkara Train Exhibition. The kids all had a wonderful time together and the highlight by far was seeing 'Thomas' on on of the exhibitors tracks.

Squealy was so incredibly excited by the spectacle that he was jumping up and down in excitement. By the end of the visit he was able to add to his already extensive transport vocabulary the following: boat, car, train.

After lunch I headed to the hairdressers as the time has come to take some length off my daughter's beautiful tresses. Her locks have ended up so long that her hair has started to thin on top. Not a good look for a 5 year old. She is now sporting a very cute shoulder length bob and is looking, all of a sudden, much older than she did before. It was actually nice not to have to plat her hair before bed and the length made it a breeze to brush. We'll see how she feels about it over the coming days, but so far so good.

1 comment:

karen said...

D's hair looks fabulous! That length really suits her :)

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