Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fun in the Sun.

Today we had two birthday parties to attend. Both were lots of fun and really laid back and relaxing. The kids had so much fun catching up with their friends. So lots of feasting on party food and cake. Not so good for the diet! Oh well.

And one last happy snap so that The Crone can see how much O & S have grown! Esp. Miss S. When the kids realised we were going to visit Jo-Anne they started up with the: "Oh that's the garden we can dig in!" Unfortunately Fuzzy and Stringy picked some of Jo-Anne tomatoes, which didn't go down too well. Sorry J..... :-)

1 comment:

The Crone at Wits End said...

Oh my goodness look how much they have all grown!

Thank you so much for that pic Sue :)

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